Here is where you can find information regarding our efforts to reach people of all ages with the gospel and further disciple them to become more and more like Jesus


We have a Rec Room, and are in the process of adding Rec Room 2.0. The Original Rec Room has a 75 inch television for watching movies and streaming tv. There is also a foosball game, an air hockey game. table tennis, billiards, and board games. Rec Room 2.0 is a craft room, and one of these days - a LEGO Room. These rooms are designed primarily for use with elementary students, middle school students, and high school students. There is no set schedule for the room being open. We have this room to provide a safe place for people to go, and so that we might have an opportunity to build relationships with those who visit this room. 


The Scriptures tell us that we are to "Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep." (Romans 12:15, NLT). We do this through the distribution of "Congrats Baskets", baskets or gifts that are shared with people in our facilities local neighborhood when there are events such as graduations, anniversaries, births. 


This page is in the process of being edited and updated. Check back soon. 





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